Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh yeah...

I forgot to say...
I would love for you to stay in touch with me, or comment on something that I have written about. Please keep your comments fairly short... truthful... and kind.

Well Here Goes!!!

I am new to this whole blogging thing and I am not sure how I am going to hold up. I see all these people who have these trendy blogs that everybody wants to read... I have decided that I am not going to try to keep up, I am simply going to be me. And sometimes "Me" is not so pretty, sometimes I don't color in the lines, and I am not so clean cut.
This blog will be a place that I can keep in touch, share my life, my struggles, victories and defeats. It will be a place that I will tell you what I am learning, what I think, or even just to spill my guts. I will talk about my Savior, my life, people, church, The Church (yes there is a difference), and this movement that I am a part of.
I hope that here you will be informed, be challenged, be moved, be changed, and draw closer to God, the Father.
So, Here goes.